Season 1
Episode 1:
Kitty Schmidt tries to flee Berlin to England with fake papers and foreign currency, but it caught at the border by the S.S. She then has no choice but to comply to the S.S.’s demands, she must allow her brothel to be taken over by the S.S. for “Operation Salon Kitty” headed by Walter Schellenberg, who joined the army as a career move after graduating law school.. Walter’s sociopathic boss Reinhard Heydrich is eager to impress his boss, Chancellor Hitler, which puts Walter in a tough position when none of Kitty’s regular girls at the brothel are suitable to be trained. Though trained to carry out any orders by his leader, Walter has grown increasingly wary of Hitler’s policies. Unbeknownst to anyone but Walter and Heydrich, the brothel is bugged and all conversations are recorded.
A young single woman named Heidi, and several other street prostitutes are caught up in a vice sweep to be trained as spy girls. Knowing this is an opportunity to make some much needed money for a personal matter Heidi is eager to make the final cut.
Walter decides that visiting dignitaries will be guided to the brothel and told use the phrase “I come from Rothenburg” which will ensure that Kitty gives them special treatment. In actual fact this phrase will trigger Kitty to make sure they are directed to one of the new spy prostitutes. The new recruits are nicknamed Rothenburg Girls to differentiate them from Kitty’s regular girls.
The Rothenburg Girls are taken to a special training base in the country. They are given an intense and bizarre six-week military training course on seduction techniques, self-defense, foreign policies and global politics, elocution and language skills, personal hygiene, espionage skills and fashion.
Heydrich visits the training camp and expects to sample some of the goods. Walter is horrified to learn that some of the girls have tested positive for VD despite his best efforts to get the women segregated from nearby male soldiers. Heidi knows that if Heydrich chooses one of the girls with VD there will be disastrous results for the program and especially Walter. Heidi nobly puts her distaste for Heydrich aside and makes sure she is the one who ends up with Heydrich that night.
Heidi is devastated when Walter, thinking he’s doing her a favor, gets Heidi dismissed from the project. Now her plans to pull her life together are in ruins.
Walter is presented a bevy of eight fully-trained, sexy spy girls. Ready for action.
Kitty, not realizing her entire house is bugged now, is overheard by Walter discussing her hidden fake passport and future plans to flee Berlin.
Episode 2:
Walter’s trial run at Salon Kitty is a success. Mussolini’s son-in-law, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Count Ciano is entertained at Salon Kitty and overheard calling Hitler two-faced and expresses a disenchantment with Nazism.
Heydrich is pleased with the results and discusses the project with Admiral Canaris, whose job it is to investigate people’s backgrounds to determine their true ethnicity, which fits into Heydrich’s simmering plan for a his Final Solution.
Heidi begs Walter to be let back into the project and only after she shares her secret reason for wanting in is she at last chosen as one of the spy girls. Rina, Claire and Elke, the other spy girls, all get used to their new surroundings in the brothel and deal with the petty jealousies of Kitty’s regular girls.
In the basement Listener Lukas listens to Elke’s sessions and is charmed by her.
Regular girl Charlotta, who is fluent in Romanian, flirts shamelessly with cute Romanian press attaché customer, but he chooses Brigitte instead which hurts Charlotta’s delicate feelings. Brigitte complains that the new girls get the best customers and she’s stuck with the boring Romanian press attaché. But there are subtle hints that he’s not so boring after all.
Episode 3:
Elke, not realizing the rooms are bugged and that her written reports are being compared to the recordings, thinks nothing of kindly leaving out a minor detail in one of her written reports - - a highly punishable offence. Walter is instructed by Heydrich to escort Heydrich’s wife Lina to their summer house, not realizing he is being trapped into one of Heydrich’s sociopathic cat and mouse games.
Listener Lukas sits in a coffee shop, overhears a woman talking and instantly recognizes her as Elke, one of the girls he listens to. He knows she will be in grave trouble for her report and must decide if he risks his own job and well-being by contacting her to alert her.
Heydrich insists that Walter and his subordinate, Engel joins him for drinks. Heydrich then tells Walter that his drink is poisoned, retribution for imagined misbehavior by Walter and Heydrich’s wife. Heydrich’s sense of humor is notoriously wicked and dry, but Walter and Engel are not sure if he is kidding or not. This is a taut and risky outing for everyone.
One of the mysterious spy girls, Esme, is revealed to actually be a lady of quite high standing in the society, wife of a respected businessman. Her husband not only doesn’t mind his wife sleeping with foreign diplomats for the sake of the country but he seems to thoroughly enjoy it.
Kitty gets a second chance to flee the country, but finds that her well-meaning housekeeper Helga has burned the fake passport for Kitty’s own good.
Episode 4:
Elke has been told by Listener Lukas that the house is bugged. She shares this information with one of the sweet regular girls, Krista, who in turn tells Kitty.
Walter’s wife Monika convinces him that they should take in Heidi’s half Jewish three year old daughter, Stella, who has been posing as an Aryan child until now in the household of a German couple.
Claire and some of the other Rothenburg girls try to figure out who one of their “special guests” is, no one knows why he is so important.
Kitty has a visit from a Jewish friend who tries to convince Kitty that things are changing for the worst in Germany.
Admiral Canaris does a background check on young Stella and figures out that Heidi is her mother and the father is Jewish, which means Heidi broke the Nuremburg Laws forbidding Aryans and Jews from marrying or having sexual relations.
Rina innocently leaves a minor detail out of her report and is scolded for it, which leads her to figure out that the rooms are bugged, but she keeps this information to herself instead of helping the other girls. She also bonds with Walter over their mutual love of music, it turns out rough and tough Rina is a talented musician and gains Walter’s admiration.
A Listener is assigned to record to the young “special guest.” No one seems to know who he is.
The Romanian press attaché visits the salon again, and once again avoids Charlotta even though there is a clear mutual attraction. He again ends up with Brigitte who shows clear signs of being very anti-Semitic and approves of everything the Nazis are doing. Outside of the building later the Romanian notices some cables that look out of place.
Episode 5:
Hitler is itching to get dirt on a very important Big Wig so he sends him to the brothel and is awaiting the report from the Listeners.
When Kitty and Krista are alone Krista calls Kitty “Mother.” Kitty shushes her and tells her to never ever call her that, especially in this house where the walls have ears. If the S.S. knows that Krista is Kitty’s daughter they will use that information against them both so they must never let anyone know. But someone does overhear. Brigitte hears. She keeps it to herself…for now.
It is revealed that Heidi’s boyfriend Jakob, with whom she has a child, has been released from jail after serving a six month term for inciting a riot at a protest against Hitler’s ever-encroaching policies. Heidi’s true plan is for her and Jakob to leave Berlin with their daughter and live as a family. The problem is that Jakob is Jewish, and their daughter Stella is considered a mischlinge or “mongrel.” Stella can never be considered Aryan, despite the fact that Heidi is her mother.
Though instructed not to be in the front parlor, regular girl Brigitte ventures in to grab a magazine. She spies the Big Wig enter, can immediately tell he’s a big fish from his uniform. She’s resentful that the Rothenburg Girls get all of the good clients. She flirts shamelessly with him until Helga shoos her out.
Upon hearing the Big Wig utter “I come from Rothenburg” Kitty immediately grabs the book with the Rothenburg Girls photos and profiles so he can choose one. But he states that wants Brigitte, a non-spy girl. Kitty says that she is unavailable and helps him choose another. But he insists on having Brigitte and implies that she should not refuse him. Not knowing what else to do, Kitty sends the Big Wig off with Brigitte, who knows nothing of the spy ring tactics.
On another uncomfortable evening out with Heydrich and his wife Lina she tells Walter that she’s intent on having an affair with someone to get back at Heydrich’s many affairs. Walter is petrified that he’ll be her target, but she tells him not to worry. Lina is looking for someone that would really humiliate and enrage Heydrich, and much to Walter’s surprise she tells him that Heydrich respects Walter too much. An affair with Walter would not truly anger her husband.
Kitty and Helga fret over the Big Wig upstairs. Brigitte’s session with him will yield zero information and Walter will not be happy, not to mention Walter’s bosses.
Elke and Listener Lukas risk their safety to have a secret, romantic date.
Kitty and Helga devise a plan to cover up why a non-Rothenburg Girl took the Big Wig upstairs, wasting a prime opportunity to gather intel. Kitty uses her diplomatic skills to keep Big Wig on the premises for quite a while in her private office. Helga arranges for one of the Rothenburg Girls to sidle in and catch his eye. Kitty gallantly offers to give him a second trip upstairs for the evening. Hitler will get his intel after all.
Episode 6:
August 24, 1939. Walter arrives at Salon Kitty for a routine inspection only to find all the girls and staff have the morning off and only Kitty remains. They are startled to hear the air raid siren go off. Quick-thinking Kitty grabs two bottles of champagne as they rush down to the bomb shelter. While waiting hours for the all-clear sign Kitty and Walter get a bit tipsy and for the first time they truly get to know each other and realize they have more in common than they thought. Kitty is distressed when Walter explains what the Non-Aggression Pact that Germany just signed with Russia truly means: Hitler has now cleared the path for an invasion on Poland and war will be coming soon. (bottle episode)
Episode 7:
Heydrich worries that one of his colleagues is going to steal his thunder by finding a reason to attack Poland so he plots a cold-blooded scheme to beat them to it. He plans a false attack on a German radio tower in Silesia. He will pluck a handful of poor souls from a concentration camp, dress them in German uniforms, have them taken to the radio tower and shot to death. Polish ammo and guns will be strewn about to make it look like Poland soldiers attacked them. Germans will be enraged and approve of Hitler’s retaliation.
Walter’s underling Engel is determined to rise up in the Reich as he plans on making the military his career. He finds out about Heydrich’s scheme, but knows that if he does anything to subvert Heydrich’s plan he will be demoted or discharged so he keeps quiet.
The “special guest” returns. Though they don’t know who he is, they are careful to give him the full Rothenburg treatment. The best girls, the best liquor, the best time.
Elke and Listener Lukas spend the night together, struggle to keep their blooming relationship a secret.
Kitty learns that her old friend Sarah Weinberg and her husband have been sent to a concentration camp for insisting on getting their business back from the Nazis. Kitty feels guilty that she did nothing to help them.
Admiral Canaris lets Walter know that he was assigned to investigate Heidi’s background and knows her little girl is half Jewish, making Heidi guilty of breaking the Nuremberg Laws. But then he admits to Walter that he’s been secretly sabotaging the Third Reich for years and he urges Walter to do the same. Walter discovers Heydrich’s sinister plan to attempt a false flag operation in Silesia, a German regions, that will set off a war. Canaris hints at the reason why he’s safe from Heydrich’s clutches: he has secret information about Heydrich’s true ethnicity that Heydrich wants suppressed.
Lina chooses her target for making her husband jealous, she has a threesome with Edgar, a high society businessman who happens to be spy girl Esme’s husband. They engage in a lurid threesome, news of which soon gets to Heydrich’s ears via the walls with ears in Salon Kitty.
Brigitte is once again stuck with the Romanian press attaché, Kolchev. Charlotta confronts Kolchev about why he avoids her despite their undeniable attraction. He admits that he’s been avoiding her because since she speaks Romanian and has a Romanian background that she would too easily be able to detect that he is in fact not Romanian. He’s a British spy named Roger Wilson and he’s been sent to spy on the house. The British have now tapped into the lines and the Brits are spying on the people in the basement who are spying on those upstairs! Brigitte also finds out the house is bugged and plans to use this information against her fellow housemates.
Episode 8:
Kitty and Walter join forces after they realize their common enemy is Heydrich.
Spy girl Rina’s past career as a con artist comes in handy as does the fact that Elke’s new boyfriend is Listener Lukas. They all use the bugging system of the salon to gather crucial information that Walter can use to stop Heydrich’s false flag attack on Silesia, therefore preventing, or at least delaying an all-out war.
After being sexually humiliated by his wife, Heydrich visits Salon Kitty and remembers Heidi from their tryst at the training camp. He chooses to be with her for the night. Of course he orders that all recording devices are turned off during his “inspection.” Heidi is aware of Heydrich’s delicate mental state and uses her training to her advantage to soothe this beast in her bed and tells him what he wants to hear.
Brigitte “accidentally” lets it slip to the S.S. that Krista is Kitty’s daughter.
Elke and Listener Lukas are caught having a relationship, a highly punishable offense.
Episode 9:
August 31, 1939. Kitty helps Walter with his plans to derail the Silesia attack. In return he arranges for a fake passport for her and hints that he’ll look the other way so she and Krista can finally flee to England. Canaris uses his position to get false papers for Stella showing her background as Aryan so Heidi can take her to Sweden where they will meet up with Jakob.
Heydrich, already humiliated over his wife’s threesome affair with Esme and Edgar, is pushed further into fury when Heidi “stands him up” – she has already begun her exodus. Heidi doesn’t get Stella’s Aryan paperwork in time, so Stella must go with her father Jakob, and Heidi must make her way to Sweden alone.
In order to make the listening team’s report more complete they ask Kitty to try and get a bit more information about the “special guest.” After his third deluxe experience visit to the house Kitty engages him in a bit of casual chat before he leaves. Turns out he’s a farmer…from Rothenburg. He’s nobody. When he used the code phrase “I come from Rothenburg,” he was merely stating a fact.
Kolchev is found out as a British spy by the S.S. and a horrified Charlotta watches them cart him away.
Engel’s guilt over not warning anyone about the Silesia attack is placated by the promotion he is given for doing the right thing.
Heydrich gets revenge on Edgar for sleeping with his wife by using him against his will, fatally, in the Silesia false flag attack.
Meek little Elke and Listener Lukas are about to be severely punished but suddenly blackmail Heydrich by letting him know that they alone have the recording of his wife having the threesome and are willing to give it to Heydrich and tell no one in exchange for letting Elke and Listener Lukas go off together to live happily ever after.
Walter, Rina and Listener Lukas try but fail to stop Heydrich’s false flag attack on Silesia.
Episode 10:
September 1, 1939. Germany is shocked by the (false) attack by Poland at the Gleiwitz Radio Tower in Silesia. Hitler and Heydrich have tricked German citizens into thinking Poland has viciously attacked Germany. Citizens now feel provoked and approve of a war.
Helga and Kitty use the Nazi’s own bugging equipment against them to help Kitty and Krista get a head start on their journey to London. But Kitty is armed with a secret weapon, an envelope from Walter with very important ammunition, if needed.
Hell-bent on revenge, Heydrich finds out that Heidi is illegally fleeing and sends his troops to intercept her. Kitty and Krista get caught by the S.S. and thrown in jail.
Rina is caught trying to stop the Silesia radio tower attack and taken before Heydrich. She plays a beautiful Wagner song on the piano, which impresses Heydrich. He joins her on violin and they share a lovely musical moment, connecting with each other over the music. Afterward without hesitation he sends Rina to a concentration camp for treason.
Elke and Listener Lukas get a nice, cushy set up from Heydrich. A nice apartment and enough money to live comfortably. The wax disk and written report of Heydrich’s wife’s threesome has been destroyed.
Kitty insists on seeing Himmler himself. They are released from jail and sent on their merry way to England after exchanging the information in their envelope with Himmler for their freedom. It is the information that Himmler’s been dying to get: official proof that Heydrich has Jewish ancestry. With Himmler’s official permission and help Kitty and Krista are free to go to London.
But Kitty realizes that Heydrich will accuse Walter of treason for letting her leave. Kitty forfeits her chance to flee to London. She goes back to Salon Kitty so Walter will not be sent to a concentration camp for treason.
Krista arrives in London alone. She’s never been without the physical and emotional protection of her mother. She has her freedom now, but it’s a hollow victory.
Non-spy girl Charlotte, normally sweet and forgiving, hardens after the Nazis execute Wilson. Though not aware of the true nature of the Rothenburg Girls’ mission, she makes it known that she is no longer able to turn a blind eye to what’s happening in Berlin with the Nazis. Walter wonders if she could be used for his project without divulging the details to her.
Heydrich finds out it was Kitty who told Himmler his most-guarded secret: his true ethnicity.
British spy Kolchev/Wilson is sent to a concentration camp. The Brits are unable to intervene, and Wilson is executed.
After many close calls and frightening chases, Heidi eludes Heydrich’s men and gets to Sweden safely. She gleefully waits for her reunion with Jakob and Stella, a family at last. She doesn’t realize that Heydrich has captured Jakob and Stella en route to Sweden.
Hardboiled Rina has the chance to avoid the concentration camp if she tells Heydrich that Walter was the mastermind behind trying to stop the Silesia attack. Will she take it?
Engel feels guilty he didn’t stop the false flag radio tower attack. He and Walter sit in Reichstag to listen to Hitler’s big speech. They both sit, horrified, as Hitler declares war on Poland, thus starting World War II.
End of Season One.
Season 1
Episode 1:
Kitty Schmidt tries to flee Berlin to England with fake papers and foreign currency, but it caught at the border by the S.S. She then has no choice but to comply to the S.S.’s demands, she must allow her brothel to be taken over by the S.S. for “Operation Salon Kitty” headed by Walter Schellenberg, who joined the army as a career move after graduating law school.. Walter’s sociopathic boss Reinhard Heydrich is eager to impress his boss, Chancellor Hitler, which puts Walter in a tough position when none of Kitty’s regular girls at the brothel are suitable to be trained. Though trained to carry out any orders by his leader, Walter has grown increasingly wary of Hitler’s policies. Unbeknownst to anyone but Walter and Heydrich, the brothel is bugged and all conversations are recorded.
A young single woman named Heidi, and several other street prostitutes are caught up in a vice sweep to be trained as spy girls. Knowing this is an opportunity to make some much needed money for a personal matter Heidi is eager to make the final cut.
Walter decides that visiting dignitaries will be guided to the brothel and told use the phrase “I come from Rothenburg” which will ensure that Kitty gives them special treatment. In actual fact this phrase will trigger Kitty to make sure they are directed to one of the new spy prostitutes. The new recruits are nicknamed Rothenburg Girls to differentiate them from Kitty’s regular girls.
The Rothenburg Girls are taken to a special training base in the country. They are given an intense and bizarre six-week military training course on seduction techniques, self-defense, foreign policies and global politics, elocution and language skills, personal hygiene, espionage skills and fashion.
Heydrich visits the training camp and expects to sample some of the goods. Walter is horrified to learn that some of the girls have tested positive for VD despite his best efforts to get the women segregated from nearby male soldiers. Heidi knows that if Heydrich chooses one of the girls with VD there will be disastrous results for the program and especially Walter. Heidi nobly puts her distaste for Heydrich aside and makes sure she is the one who ends up with Heydrich that night.
Heidi is devastated when Walter, thinking he’s doing her a favor, gets Heidi dismissed from the project. Now her plans to pull her life together are in ruins.
Walter is presented a bevy of eight fully-trained, sexy spy girls. Ready for action.
Kitty, not realizing her entire house is bugged now, is overheard by Walter discussing her hidden fake passport and future plans to flee Berlin.
Episode 2:
Walter’s trial run at Salon Kitty is a success. Mussolini’s son-in-law, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Count Ciano is entertained at Salon Kitty and overheard calling Hitler two-faced and expresses a disenchantment with Nazism.
Heydrich is pleased with the results and discusses the project with Admiral Canaris, whose job it is to investigate people’s backgrounds to determine their true ethnicity, which fits into Heydrich’s simmering plan for a his Final Solution.
Heidi begs Walter to be let back into the project and only after she shares her secret reason for wanting in is she at last chosen as one of the spy girls. Rina, Claire and Elke, the other spy girls, all get used to their new surroundings in the brothel and deal with the petty jealousies of Kitty’s regular girls.
In the basement Listener Lukas listens to Elke’s sessions and is charmed by her.
Regular girl Charlotta, who is fluent in Romanian, flirts shamelessly with cute Romanian press attaché customer, but he chooses Brigitte instead which hurts Charlotta’s delicate feelings. Brigitte complains that the new girls get the best customers and she’s stuck with the boring Romanian press attaché. But there are subtle hints that he’s not so boring after all.
Episode 3:
Elke, not realizing the rooms are bugged and that her written reports are being compared to the recordings, thinks nothing of kindly leaving out a minor detail in one of her written reports - - a highly punishable offence. Walter is instructed by Heydrich to escort Heydrich’s wife Lina to their summer house, not realizing he is being trapped into one of Heydrich’s sociopathic cat and mouse games.
Listener Lukas sits in a coffee shop, overhears a woman talking and instantly recognizes her as Elke, one of the girls he listens to. He knows she will be in grave trouble for her report and must decide if he risks his own job and well-being by contacting her to alert her.
Heydrich insists that Walter and his subordinate, Engel joins him for drinks. Heydrich then tells Walter that his drink is poisoned, retribution for imagined misbehavior by Walter and Heydrich’s wife. Heydrich’s sense of humor is notoriously wicked and dry, but Walter and Engel are not sure if he is kidding or not. This is a taut and risky outing for everyone.
One of the mysterious spy girls, Esme, is revealed to actually be a lady of quite high standing in the society, wife of a respected businessman. Her husband not only doesn’t mind his wife sleeping with foreign diplomats for the sake of the country but he seems to thoroughly enjoy it.
Kitty gets a second chance to flee the country, but finds that her well-meaning housekeeper Helga has burned the fake passport for Kitty’s own good.
Episode 4:
Elke has been told by Listener Lukas that the house is bugged. She shares this information with one of the sweet regular girls, Krista, who in turn tells Kitty.
Walter’s wife Monika convinces him that they should take in Heidi’s half Jewish three year old daughter, Stella, who has been posing as an Aryan child until now in the household of a German couple.
Claire and some of the other Rothenburg girls try to figure out who one of their “special guests” is, no one knows why he is so important.
Kitty has a visit from a Jewish friend who tries to convince Kitty that things are changing for the worst in Germany.
Admiral Canaris does a background check on young Stella and figures out that Heidi is her mother and the father is Jewish, which means Heidi broke the Nuremburg Laws forbidding Aryans and Jews from marrying or having sexual relations.
Rina innocently leaves a minor detail out of her report and is scolded for it, which leads her to figure out that the rooms are bugged, but she keeps this information to herself instead of helping the other girls. She also bonds with Walter over their mutual love of music, it turns out rough and tough Rina is a talented musician and gains Walter’s admiration.
A Listener is assigned to record to the young “special guest.” No one seems to know who he is.
The Romanian press attaché visits the salon again, and once again avoids Charlotta even though there is a clear mutual attraction. He again ends up with Brigitte who shows clear signs of being very anti-Semitic and approves of everything the Nazis are doing. Outside of the building later the Romanian notices some cables that look out of place.
Episode 5:
Hitler is itching to get dirt on a very important Big Wig so he sends him to the brothel and is awaiting the report from the Listeners.
When Kitty and Krista are alone Krista calls Kitty “Mother.” Kitty shushes her and tells her to never ever call her that, especially in this house where the walls have ears. If the S.S. knows that Krista is Kitty’s daughter they will use that information against them both so they must never let anyone know. But someone does overhear. Brigitte hears. She keeps it to herself…for now.
It is revealed that Heidi’s boyfriend Jakob, with whom she has a child, has been released from jail after serving a six month term for inciting a riot at a protest against Hitler’s ever-encroaching policies. Heidi’s true plan is for her and Jakob to leave Berlin with their daughter and live as a family. The problem is that Jakob is Jewish, and their daughter Stella is considered a mischlinge or “mongrel.” Stella can never be considered Aryan, despite the fact that Heidi is her mother.
Though instructed not to be in the front parlor, regular girl Brigitte ventures in to grab a magazine. She spies the Big Wig enter, can immediately tell he’s a big fish from his uniform. She’s resentful that the Rothenburg Girls get all of the good clients. She flirts shamelessly with him until Helga shoos her out.
Upon hearing the Big Wig utter “I come from Rothenburg” Kitty immediately grabs the book with the Rothenburg Girls photos and profiles so he can choose one. But he states that wants Brigitte, a non-spy girl. Kitty says that she is unavailable and helps him choose another. But he insists on having Brigitte and implies that she should not refuse him. Not knowing what else to do, Kitty sends the Big Wig off with Brigitte, who knows nothing of the spy ring tactics.
On another uncomfortable evening out with Heydrich and his wife Lina she tells Walter that she’s intent on having an affair with someone to get back at Heydrich’s many affairs. Walter is petrified that he’ll be her target, but she tells him not to worry. Lina is looking for someone that would really humiliate and enrage Heydrich, and much to Walter’s surprise she tells him that Heydrich respects Walter too much. An affair with Walter would not truly anger her husband.
Kitty and Helga fret over the Big Wig upstairs. Brigitte’s session with him will yield zero information and Walter will not be happy, not to mention Walter’s bosses.
Elke and Listener Lukas risk their safety to have a secret, romantic date.
Kitty and Helga devise a plan to cover up why a non-Rothenburg Girl took the Big Wig upstairs, wasting a prime opportunity to gather intel. Kitty uses her diplomatic skills to keep Big Wig on the premises for quite a while in her private office. Helga arranges for one of the Rothenburg Girls to sidle in and catch his eye. Kitty gallantly offers to give him a second trip upstairs for the evening. Hitler will get his intel after all.
Episode 6:
August 24, 1939. Walter arrives at Salon Kitty for a routine inspection only to find all the girls and staff have the morning off and only Kitty remains. They are startled to hear the air raid siren go off. Quick-thinking Kitty grabs two bottles of champagne as they rush down to the bomb shelter. While waiting hours for the all-clear sign Kitty and Walter get a bit tipsy and for the first time they truly get to know each other and realize they have more in common than they thought. Kitty is distressed when Walter explains what the Non-Aggression Pact that Germany just signed with Russia truly means: Hitler has now cleared the path for an invasion on Poland and war will be coming soon. (bottle episode)
Episode 7:
Heydrich worries that one of his colleagues is going to steal his thunder by finding a reason to attack Poland so he plots a cold-blooded scheme to beat them to it. He plans a false attack on a German radio tower in Silesia. He will pluck a handful of poor souls from a concentration camp, dress them in German uniforms, have them taken to the radio tower and shot to death. Polish ammo and guns will be strewn about to make it look like Poland soldiers attacked them. Germans will be enraged and approve of Hitler’s retaliation.
Walter’s underling Engel is determined to rise up in the Reich as he plans on making the military his career. He finds out about Heydrich’s scheme, but knows that if he does anything to subvert Heydrich’s plan he will be demoted or discharged so he keeps quiet.
The “special guest” returns. Though they don’t know who he is, they are careful to give him the full Rothenburg treatment. The best girls, the best liquor, the best time.
Elke and Listener Lukas spend the night together, struggle to keep their blooming relationship a secret.
Kitty learns that her old friend Sarah Weinberg and her husband have been sent to a concentration camp for insisting on getting their business back from the Nazis. Kitty feels guilty that she did nothing to help them.
Admiral Canaris lets Walter know that he was assigned to investigate Heidi’s background and knows her little girl is half Jewish, making Heidi guilty of breaking the Nuremberg Laws. But then he admits to Walter that he’s been secretly sabotaging the Third Reich for years and he urges Walter to do the same. Walter discovers Heydrich’s sinister plan to attempt a false flag operation in Silesia, a German regions, that will set off a war. Canaris hints at the reason why he’s safe from Heydrich’s clutches: he has secret information about Heydrich’s true ethnicity that Heydrich wants suppressed.
Lina chooses her target for making her husband jealous, she has a threesome with Edgar, a high society businessman who happens to be spy girl Esme’s husband. They engage in a lurid threesome, news of which soon gets to Heydrich’s ears via the walls with ears in Salon Kitty.
Brigitte is once again stuck with the Romanian press attaché, Kolchev. Charlotta confronts Kolchev about why he avoids her despite their undeniable attraction. He admits that he’s been avoiding her because since she speaks Romanian and has a Romanian background that she would too easily be able to detect that he is in fact not Romanian. He’s a British spy named Roger Wilson and he’s been sent to spy on the house. The British have now tapped into the lines and the Brits are spying on the people in the basement who are spying on those upstairs! Brigitte also finds out the house is bugged and plans to use this information against her fellow housemates.
Episode 8:
Kitty and Walter join forces after they realize their common enemy is Heydrich.
Spy girl Rina’s past career as a con artist comes in handy as does the fact that Elke’s new boyfriend is Listener Lukas. They all use the bugging system of the salon to gather crucial information that Walter can use to stop Heydrich’s false flag attack on Silesia, therefore preventing, or at least delaying an all-out war.
After being sexually humiliated by his wife, Heydrich visits Salon Kitty and remembers Heidi from their tryst at the training camp. He chooses to be with her for the night. Of course he orders that all recording devices are turned off during his “inspection.” Heidi is aware of Heydrich’s delicate mental state and uses her training to her advantage to soothe this beast in her bed and tells him what he wants to hear.
Brigitte “accidentally” lets it slip to the S.S. that Krista is Kitty’s daughter.
Elke and Listener Lukas are caught having a relationship, a highly punishable offense.
Episode 9:
August 31, 1939. Kitty helps Walter with his plans to derail the Silesia attack. In return he arranges for a fake passport for her and hints that he’ll look the other way so she and Krista can finally flee to England. Canaris uses his position to get false papers for Stella showing her background as Aryan so Heidi can take her to Sweden where they will meet up with Jakob.
Heydrich, already humiliated over his wife’s threesome affair with Esme and Edgar, is pushed further into fury when Heidi “stands him up” – she has already begun her exodus. Heidi doesn’t get Stella’s Aryan paperwork in time, so Stella must go with her father Jakob, and Heidi must make her way to Sweden alone.
In order to make the listening team’s report more complete they ask Kitty to try and get a bit more information about the “special guest.” After his third deluxe experience visit to the house Kitty engages him in a bit of casual chat before he leaves. Turns out he’s a farmer…from Rothenburg. He’s nobody. When he used the code phrase “I come from Rothenburg,” he was merely stating a fact.
Kolchev is found out as a British spy by the S.S. and a horrified Charlotta watches them cart him away.
Engel’s guilt over not warning anyone about the Silesia attack is placated by the promotion he is given for doing the right thing.
Heydrich gets revenge on Edgar for sleeping with his wife by using him against his will, fatally, in the Silesia false flag attack.
Meek little Elke and Listener Lukas are about to be severely punished but suddenly blackmail Heydrich by letting him know that they alone have the recording of his wife having the threesome and are willing to give it to Heydrich and tell no one in exchange for letting Elke and Listener Lukas go off together to live happily ever after.
Walter, Rina and Listener Lukas try but fail to stop Heydrich’s false flag attack on Silesia.
Episode 10:
September 1, 1939. Germany is shocked by the (false) attack by Poland at the Gleiwitz Radio Tower in Silesia. Hitler and Heydrich have tricked German citizens into thinking Poland has viciously attacked Germany. Citizens now feel provoked and approve of a war.
Helga and Kitty use the Nazi’s own bugging equipment against them to help Kitty and Krista get a head start on their journey to London. But Kitty is armed with a secret weapon, an envelope from Walter with very important ammunition, if needed.
Hell-bent on revenge, Heydrich finds out that Heidi is illegally fleeing and sends his troops to intercept her. Kitty and Krista get caught by the S.S. and thrown in jail.
Rina is caught trying to stop the Silesia radio tower attack and taken before Heydrich. She plays a beautiful Wagner song on the piano, which impresses Heydrich. He joins her on violin and they share a lovely musical moment, connecting with each other over the music. Afterward without hesitation he sends Rina to a concentration camp for treason.
Elke and Listener Lukas get a nice, cushy set up from Heydrich. A nice apartment and enough money to live comfortably. The wax disk and written report of Heydrich’s wife’s threesome has been destroyed.
Kitty insists on seeing Himmler himself. They are released from jail and sent on their merry way to England after exchanging the information in their envelope with Himmler for their freedom. It is the information that Himmler’s been dying to get: official proof that Heydrich has Jewish ancestry. With Himmler’s official permission and help Kitty and Krista are free to go to London.
But Kitty realizes that Heydrich will accuse Walter of treason for letting her leave. Kitty forfeits her chance to flee to London. She goes back to Salon Kitty so Walter will not be sent to a concentration camp for treason.
Krista arrives in London alone. She’s never been without the physical and emotional protection of her mother. She has her freedom now, but it’s a hollow victory.
Non-spy girl Charlotte, normally sweet and forgiving, hardens after the Nazis execute Wilson. Though not aware of the true nature of the Rothenburg Girls’ mission, she makes it known that she is no longer able to turn a blind eye to what’s happening in Berlin with the Nazis. Walter wonders if she could be used for his project without divulging the details to her.
Heydrich finds out it was Kitty who told Himmler his most-guarded secret: his true ethnicity.
British spy Kolchev/Wilson is sent to a concentration camp. The Brits are unable to intervene, and Wilson is executed.
After many close calls and frightening chases, Heidi eludes Heydrich’s men and gets to Sweden safely. She gleefully waits for her reunion with Jakob and Stella, a family at last. She doesn’t realize that Heydrich has captured Jakob and Stella en route to Sweden.
Hardboiled Rina has the chance to avoid the concentration camp if she tells Heydrich that Walter was the mastermind behind trying to stop the Silesia attack. Will she take it?
Engel feels guilty he didn’t stop the false flag radio tower attack. He and Walter sit in Reichstag to listen to Hitler’s big speech. They both sit, horrified, as Hitler declares war on Poland, thus starting World War II.
End of Season One.